Naked women in gym changing room outs playboy model as FAT SHAMING nasty piece of work

Sorry, but I couldn’t think of a snappier title…well…perhaps

“Dani Mathers You have issues” might have sufficed.

So I am sure you have already seen this all across social media. the basic premise is playboy model spots naked woman in gym changing rooms, photographs said women and then shares the image with the slogan “If I can’t unsee this then neither can you”


When are stupid idiotic women like this going to realise that our bodies purpose in life is not to look good…OK for you it might be what pays the bills and gives you a shred of self esteem, but for millions of other women around the world what our bodies look like are nobody elses business than our own, and our sense of self worth is not defined by them.

How dare you mock someone who is minding their own business doing an activity they enjoy? You would be the first to label fat women as lazy, hinting that we should all spend hours in the gym like you do…instagramming aside of course…however as stereotypes go, you have done a pretty good with the “skinny girls are all bitches” one.

What is it about an unashamed naked body that offends you so much?

Is it because secretly you are jealous of those of us who don’t need “the perfect” body to be fulfilled in life?

Either way, I hope you are ashamed of yourself…because you should be.

I am sick of seeing these stories unfold. Sick of seeing bigger bodies mocked in this way. Its no wonder women feel too scared to play sport and enjoy movement as part of their lives…its like we are not welcome in that arena…how dare we show our naked flesh in a shower room area? Or be seen all red and sweaty in the park. And don;t even dream of wearing a bikini or a crop top…where the fuck would you like us to take our FAT bodies? How about we all show up at the playboy mansion just for the heck of it?

Why does this offend me so much?

Well…that unidentified fat body could be any one of us, being picked on, and shamed because we don’t fit into someone elses ideal, it sure as hell could be me, because I don’t scurry off to a cubical to get changed after a workout, or strip while under the safety of a towel…I am not ashamed of my body naked or otherwise and why should I be.

My body houses the awesome person that I am. It has done so perfectly for almost 40 years, despite some of the not so considerate stuff I have done to it. Do I look at my dimply bum and think I am less of a person than you? Hell no. Do I put my life on hold while on a desperate pursuit to get down to a more acceptable body size. Of course not.

Your apology doesn’t cut it…whether that post was supposed to be seen by just one person or a million is neither here nor there, the problem is not with the picture its with your analysis of the image…the point is you still think that body is a second class citizen compared to yours. Well let me tell you sweetie it is not.

Its OK though Dani…I am not picking on you….this is an open letter to all you bitches who think its OK to fat shame…

There is enough unease and disruption in this world without an out and out body war. Lets just agree to keep our opinions to ourselves shall we? Don’t like what you see when you see a fat naked body? Then don’t look…we have as much right to be here as you do, and can show off our flesh as we please…we should be able to do this without the fear of ridicule.

Perhaps here is where the problem lays

The only naked bodies we ever really get to see are the so called perfect ones in the media, you know the glossy mags, music videos…and of course porn. The point is most women don’t look like them, we never have…you guys are the abnormalities not us. Our naked bodies are not there for the thrill seeking pleasure of strangers…they do let me assure you provide much pleasure to the men that love them, and the children that were born from and snuggle up to them on a regular basis.

The naked body is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about and for overweight, plus size, curvy (whatever you want to call them) bodies its even more important to look at your naked body, acknowledging its existence and remembering all of the wonderful things it does for you…without you even trying.

When I was at my largest after having my daughter, I found myself in a very difficult place with my own body. With confidence at an all time low I couldn’t stand the sight of myself. It was like I was numb from the neck down. Clothes served only one purpose, and that was to hide my body from the outside world, and I felt like certain parts of my body just didn’t belong to me.

Loving your body is not just about how you feel towards it, its also about how you  and others around you treat it each and every day….and I for one have never been more in love with my body.

For some of you this might be hard to fathom…but this fat body has run 3 marathons, 30 or so half marathons and hundreds of other races. This body goes to cross fit twice a week and swims and dances, and cycles and crawls around with its 3 year old (which I happened to grow in this fat body too don’t you know) and even if you have a fat body that hasn’t done all of these things it still deserves love, the kind of love we give our kids…unconditional.

To the naked lady in that picture…I share this only to show my love and support to you…you are a hero!!!

To the Fat Shamers out there (of which I know there are many) I just want to say I forgive you, because you do not know what you do. And I send you my love (its OK I have lots to give away) in the hope that you will find compassion and strength within yourself to become a better person

Let’s call a truce people…lets stop this painful conflict with our bodies

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