My Secret is Out

So at Running Club last night as part of the usual pre run set of announcements…it was announced under the National Lottery Olympic Park Run times…”and last but not least (which I’m getting strangly accustomed to by means of introduction) our blogger, fattymustrun”

Up until now I had been somewhat undercover, but since writing “I love my Running Club” and “It could be you” last weekend s race debrief, its very apparent who I am and now I have an active readership from my club…ooooh the pressure!!

Its great though and people were very complimentary about it, in fact as we set off from the centre on our 5 mile run through a hole in a fence, along the river roding, round the back of the city of london cemetary, across Wanstead Flats…I found myself in conversation with some of the club members who have been reading my blog.

So thats another good reason to keep writing it I suppose…oh and of course to keep on running.

Ironically, as its Easter Mohammed, one of the clubs runners who was celebrating his one year anniversary of being with the club brought in a couple of bags of Easter Eggs and a raffle took place before we headed out…I was number 5 (my lucky number) and number 4 was one of the tickets selected (bummer), mind you I would have looked rather silly running at the back of the pack with a huge Mars Bar Easter Egg shoved under one arm.

I thought that was a particularly nice thing for Mohammed to do though, especially seeing he is a muslim and doesn’t celebrate Easter…but thats just the kind of people that MY (note the ownership) running club attracts!!

Happy Easter Peeps

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